Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Residential Detoxification Programs Better than Outpatient Programs

Why are Residential Detoxification Programs Better than Outpatient Options?

The fight against addiction is painful not only for you but also for your family members as they see you suffering every day. To fight against addiction it is necessary to take a proper treatment so that you can cure yourself and can start a new life. There are two categories of drug addiction treatment- inpatient i.e. residential detoxification program and outpatient. It is important to choose the right treatment and before that is equally important for you to know about the services and advantages which these treatments offer.

Understanding Inpatient Treatment

In patient or Residential Detoxification program usually offers few days of residential care for providing support to a person who shows signs of withdrawal due to the effects of the addictive substances. The program includes medical and observational supervision. Under this program, a patient needs to get admitted to a rehab center and stays there under constant monitoring.
During the initial stage, when the patient experiences withdrawal symptoms, he is kept under strict observation and is surrounded with experts and doctors. The addict is kept away from situations that promote craving and the client is kept busy with various activities so that he does not feel isolated.
Involvement of family members is advised along with group therapies and various other activities. Balanced and nutritious diet is given to the patient so help his body recover physically.

What is Outpatient Treatment?

Under this treatment, you do not get admitted to the rehab center but stay at home. This treatment allows you to lead a normal life and undergo the treatment simultaneously. During this treatment, the addict visits the center for few hours during a day.
Most of the people believe that inpatient treatment is better than outpatient as under the impatient treatment the client is under strict observation of the doctors and there is no scope for him to consume drugs. But, in the case of outpatient treatment there is lack of expert attention and the person may get his hands on drugs on the way of coming and going to the center. Also, inpatient treatment offers various activities and therapies throughout the day which keeps the client consumed but this does not happen in the case of outpatient treatment.

Summary- Outpatient treatment is more effective for an individual and can help an addict to recover early. Quapaw House offers residential detoxification programs which help an individual to overcome the addiction of drugs by providing various sessions and therapies so that the addict can lead a normal life ahead. 

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